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Outdoor Walk Therapy In Beverly Hills

Step into Healing: Nature-Infused Walk Therapy in Beverly Hills

  • 45 minutes
  • 275 US dollars
  • Beverly Hills, California

Service Description

Welcome to a groundbreaking approach in mental health care, uniquely blended with the healing ambiance of Beverly Hills' natural beauty. This isn't just therapy; it's an adventure into your inner self, guided by the serenity of the outdoors. Outdoor walk therapy transcends the traditional confines of indoor therapy. It involves therapeutic conversations while walking amidst the lush landscapes of Beverly Hills. This innovative method combines the physical benefits of light exercise with the psychological healing of professional counseling, creating a multi-sensory therapeutic experience. ​Numerous studies, including those in the 'Journal of Environmental Psychology', underscore the profound impact of nature on mental health. Natural settings have been shown to lower stress, improve mood, and reduce feelings of anxiety. By integrating these elements with expert counseling, outdoor walk therapy provides a comprehensive approach to mental wellness.

Cancellation Policy

48-Hour Cancellation Policy To ensure efficient scheduling and fairness to all our clients, we kindly request that any cancellations or rescheduling of appointments be made at least 48 hours in advance. This policy allows us to maintain a streamlined process and offer available slots to other clients seeking our services. No Cancellations or Rescheduling Within 48 Hours: Please be aware that we are unable to accommodate cancellations or rescheduling within 48 hours of the appointment time. In such cases, no refunds will be issued. No Fee Waivers: In alignment with our commitment to fairness and operational efficiency, we are unable to waive fees for late cancellations. This ensures that we can continue to provide the highest quality service to all our clients. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with this policy, which is designed to benefit all clients by facilitating better access to our services. Thank you for your support and understanding!

Contact Details

(323) 391-3422

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